Alex Mitris

What Type Of Information You Can Give Away And Attract So Many Prospects…… You Won’t Know What To Do With Them?

2-minute read

What Type Of Information You Can Give Away And Attract So Many Prospects…… You Won’t Know What To Do With Them?

When I talk with business owners and tell them to create an information product such as (PDF, check-list, video) and give it away for free...

Most of them are overwhelmed and don't know where to start and what to create.

They ask me:

"Would X info be a good one?."

"How do I know it is going to work and attract new customers?"

"Is this going to be valuable?."


The best and easiest way for you to create an "info product", is...

Write or record the answer to the 3 most common questions you get from your customers.

There is a rule of 10 that exists. If somebody has a question, there are at least 10 more people who have the same question.

Don't overcomplicate it. Take exactly your customer's words and make it your report title. Do NOT change anything.

The consumption of the information has to be the one you are most comfortable with.

If you are comfortable with video, do a video, upload it on YouTube at a private link.

If you can write, then write a quick report and upload it to your website.

If you are comfortable with voice messages, then record yourself and give the audio away.

If you can’t do any of the above, hire somebody who does and get him to interview you and write it for you. Those people are called copywriters.

And to give the free info away, you ask for an email or phone number from your customer.

If you ask my opinion…

It’s worth hiring a copywriter because he/she knows (better than you) the right language to use and attract new prospects.

Persuasion is his job. Let him/her do the work so you can use the same report for years to come.

If you can’t hire a copywriter, then don’t overcomplicate things. Write the same way you would talk to a friend. 

Simple words, short sentences. Cut to the chase!

To your success.


"Don't overcomplicate things. Cut to the chase! "


-Read the other blog posts here.

-You can find free and useful resources here.
