Alex Mitris

If You Need More Clients Pay Attention To The Following 3 Factors...

3-minute read

Here we go. 

The 3 major factors in order to get more clients:

1) I am the customer. Give me my "pacifier" and give it to me for FREE!

2) Do you understand me? Ok, I will buy!

3) Please grab me by the hand.

Let’s explain…

Factor 1: "Give me my pacifier and give it to me for FREE!"

Think of infants. They are so cute, aren’t they?

If there is something they don’t like, they are experts at describing it. 

Crying is the way to go baby!

You give them a pacifier, and everything is smooth again (at least for the next 10 minutes.)

Well, now imagine "big infants". They cry!

Sometimes they can’t stop crying and they need their own pacifier.

What is that?

Your answer to their problems and usually is a piece of information.

When you provide a service, there is usually an enormous chunk of information you know and a sizeable chunk of unanswered questions your customers have.

The best way to attract new customers is to give a valuable info product (PDF) where you explain to them the 5 common questions your old customers usually ask.

If there was something old customers were unaware of, well, new customers have the same question too.

*I will do another post on how to craft the right PDF but for now...

Keep in mind that you want to give that piece of information for FREE. Why for free?

Because it removes the risk from your customer's side and now, you are the authority on the topic. 

People buy reputation. People will pay you a lot of money because they KNOW you are the best. Not because you are just the best. 

Be known! The known factor influences their perception of you, and perception creates your reputation!

Work on that!

Factor 2: "Do you understand me? Ok, I will buy it."

People hate to be sold, but everyone LOVES to buy!

Weird right? You know...

The "sold" approach signals the fear that you have been taken advantage of.

The "buy" approach signals the joy of a decision you made. And because the decision is yours, you support it at all costs!

The primary reason people buy has to do with HOW MUCH UNDERSTOOD they felt.

Think about it...

You visit your dentist. You explain your toothache and you see your dentist can articulate your pain better than you.

Immediately, you believe he has the answer to your problem. You are subconsciously sold without him giving you the price.

If you listen closely to your customer's problems (on the sales call) and articulate their problem better than them, you almost made the sale.

Remember to sell what your customer wants and not what you believe is needed.

If for example, you provide a service package that includes service [X], [Y], and [Z] but...

Your customer believes he needs [Y], you sell him on the [Y] because this is his belief. If you go against your customer’s beliefs and values, he won’t feel understood. 

Once onboard, you provide [X], [Y], and [Z] to make sure he gets the results he is looking for.

Factor 3: "Please grab me by the hand."

Very crucial step! 

When people buy your service, they are still afraid they did a mistake they are not aware of.

Make sure the onboarding process is EXCEPTIONAL!

Provide immediate gratification (fast result). 

Give something that will make the customer say, "Oh my god, this is GREAT, I am on the right path to my goal!"

Call them and congratulate them on the decision. Do everything possible to create an amazing first-time experience.

People judge a book by its cover. Design your cover wisely.

To your success,


"People judge a book by its cover. Design your cover wisely."


-Read the other blog posts here.

-You can find free and useful resources here.
